How to Sleep Better


The way you feel during the day hinges on how well you sleep at night. Find tips for getting better sleep and developing a regular sleep routine.

Americans are in the midst of what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has called a national sleep epidemic, and society is feeling the impact. In fact, nearly 8 in 10 Americans admit they would feel better and more prepared for the day if they had an extra hour of sleep.

Luckily, solutions are not out of reach. The sleep tips below are the Better Sleep Council’s trusted solutions to help avoid the damaging effects of sleep deprivation and general grogginess after a poor night’s sleep.  In short, these tips on how to sleep better can make Monday mornings – and every other morning – a lot easier to handle.

Keep a consistent sleep and wake schedule – even on the weekends. If necessary, try adding sleep to your to-do list. And don’t be late.

Create a bedtime routine that relaxes you. Experts recommend reading a book, listening to soothing music or soaking in a hot bath.

Your bedroom should be a haven of comfort. Create a room that is dark, quiet, comfortable and cool for the best sleep possible. Consider a bedroom makeover.

Your mattress and pillow should provide full comfort and support. Your bed and your body will naturally change over time, so if your mattress is seven years old (or older), it may be time for a new one. Pillows should generally be replaced every year.

The bedroom should be used for sleep and sex only. Keep stressors, such as work, outside the bedroom.

Television, smartphones, tablets, laptops, and computers should be kept out of the bedroom. Intense backlighting of electronics triggers stimulating chemicals in the brain that tells your body it’s time to be awake.

 Complete your workouts at least two hours before bedtime to ensure quality sleep. Even a brisk walk can increase blood flow and improve your sleep.

Did you know that for couples who sleep on a “double”, each person only has as much sleeping space as a baby’s crib? Whether you sleep with a partner or alone, your mattress should allow enough space for you to be able to move freely and easily.

 Caffeine can remain in your system longer than you might realize. Stay hydrated with water instead of having coffee, tea or soda in the afternoon.

 If you need to indulge, a glass of wine soon after work can calm your nerves and help worries melt away, while still giving your body ample time to digest the alcohol before bed.

Short naps can be restorative without disrupting your sleep. Experts say even a 10-minute nap can improve alertness for 2.5 hours when you’re sleep deprived and for up to 4 hours when you are well rested.

 Finish eating at least two to three hours before bedtime.

Distance yourself from things that cause stress and anxiety. Writing down the things that are bothering you can give you perspective and help you relax. Just don’t keep your journal in your bedroom.

Only hit the snooze button once per day, and set it for the latest setting possible in order to still wake up on time. You will feel more refreshed if your sleep isn’t disrupted multiple times.

 And keep your phone in the other room. Smartphones, in particular, can represent a source of stress during the day, and proximity to the bed can disrupt sleep – even if it doesn’t make noise or is set to vibrate.



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[vc_row content_width=”grid”][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text el_class=”justify-text”]The way you feel during the day hinges on how well you sleep at night. Find tips for getting better sleep and developing a regular sleep routine. Americans are in the midst of what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has called a national sleep epidemic, and society is feeling the impact. In fact, nearly 8 in 10 Americans admit they would feel better and more prepared for the day if they had an extra hour of sleep. Luckily, solutions are not out of reach. The sleep tips below are the Better Sleep Council’s trusted solutions to help avoid the damaging effects of sleep deprivation and general grogginess after a poor night’s sleep.  In short, these tips on how to sleep better can make Monday mornings – and every other morning – a lot easier to handle.
  1. Make sleep a priority. Keep a consistent sleep and wake schedule – even on the weekends. If necessary, try adding sleep to your to-do list. And don’t be late.
  2. Maintain a relaxing sleep routine. Create a bedtime routine that relaxes you. Experts recommend reading a book, listening to soothing music or soaking in a hot bath.
  3. Create a sleep sanctuary. Your bedroom should be a haven of comfort. Create a room that is dark, quiet, comfortable and cool for the best sleep possible. Consider a bedroom makeover.
  4. Evaluate your sleep system. Your mattress and pillow should provide full comfort and support. Your bed and your body will naturally change over time, so if your mattress is seven years old (or older), it may be time for a new one. Pillows should generally be replaced every year.
  5. Keep work materials out. The bedroom should be used for sleep and sex only. Keep stressors, such as work, outside the bedroom.
  6. Banish technology. Television, smartphones, tablets, laptops, and computers should be kept out of the bedroom. Intense backlighting of electronics triggers stimulating chemicals in the brain that tells your body it’s time to be awake.
  7. Exercise early. Complete your workouts at least two hours before bedtime to ensure quality sleep. Even a brisk walk can increase blood flow and improve your sleep.
  8. Assess your space. Did you know that for couples who sleep on a “double”, each person only has as much sleeping space as a baby’s crib? Whether you sleep with a partner or alone, your mattress should allow enough space for you to be able to move freely and easily.
  9. Replace caffeine with water after lunch. Caffeine can remain in your system longer than you might realize. Stay hydrated with water instead of having coffee, tea or soda in the afternoon.
  10. Drink alcohol earlier in the day. If you need to indulge, a glass of wine soon after work can calm your nerves and help worries melt away, while still giving your body ample time to digest the alcohol before bed.
  11. Take 20- to 30-minute naps. Short naps can be restorative without disrupting your sleep. Experts say even a 10-minute nap can improve alertness for 2.5 hours when you’re sleep deprived and for up to 4 hours when you are well rested.
  12. Eat light in the evening. Finish eating at least two to three hours before bedtime.
  13. Keep a worry journal. Distance yourself from things that cause stress and anxiety. Writing down the things that are bothering you can give you perspective and help you relax. Just don’t keep your journal in your bedroom.
  14. Set a snooze button quota. Only hit the snooze button once per day, and set it for the latest setting possible in order to still wake up on time. You will feel more refreshed if your sleep isn’t disrupted multiple times.
  15. Buy an alarm clock. And keep your phone in the other room. Smartphones, in particular, can represent a source of stress during the day, and proximity to the bed can disrupt sleep – even if it doesn’t make noise or is set to vibrate.
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