Weight Loss

Are you diabetic and overweight?

Do you have diabetes or unhealthy weight gain?At Jiva Health’s multi-specialty medical clinic, our Diabetes and Endocrinology specialists will evaluate your diabetes based on the latest diabetes guidelines and suggest a change of your medications to a weight loss promoting or at the least a weight-neutral diabetes drug.

Loosing weight might be deliberate, for example, with eating less and work out, or unintentional and be a sign of ailment. Weight reduction can come about because of a lessening in body liquid, bulk, or fat. A lessening in body liquid can originate from prescriptions, liquid misfortune, absence of liquid admission, or diseases, for example, diabetes. A reduction in muscle to fat ratio ratios could be intentially brought about by activity and eating less carbs, for example, for corpulence. Weight reduction is typical after pregnancy. The loss of weight and absence of nourishment connected with an incessant sickness is alluded to as cachexia.


Welcome to Jiva Health: Your Partner in Weight Loss Journey

At Jiva Health, we understand that achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is a personal and transformative journey. We are dedicated to providing you with comprehensive support and guidance every step of the way. Our weight loss service goes beyond generic solutions and offers a personalized approach tailored to your unique needs and goals.


Why Choose Jiva Health for Weight Loss?

We recognize that everyone’s weight loss journey is different. That’s why we offer personalized weight loss plans that take into account your individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Our experienced healthcare providers will work closely with you to understand your goals, challenges, and aspirations, ensuring that your plan is specifically designed for you.

We believe in the power of human connection. With Jiva Health, you’ll have the opportunity to meet our dedicated team of healthcare providers in person. We value face-to-face interactions and use them to create a strong foundation for your weight loss journey. Through regular consultations, we’ll provide the support, motivation, and accountability you need to stay on track.

Our weight loss program begins with a comprehensive assessment of your current health status, medical history, and lifestyle factors. By gaining a deep understanding of your unique circumstances, we can develop a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of weight gain and creates sustainable solutions for long-term success.

Nutrition plays a crucial role in weight loss. At Jiva Health, we provide you with customized meal plans designed by our expert nutritionists. These plans are tailored to your specific dietary requirements, food preferences, and health considerations. Our goal is to ensure that you enjoy a balanced, nourishing diet while achieving your weight loss goals.

Alongside a healthy diet, regular physical activity is essential for weight loss and overall well-being. Our healthcare providers will guide you in developing an exercise routine that suits your lifestyle and fitness level. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, we’ll help you find activities you enjoy and incorporate them into your weight loss plan.

We understand that weight loss can be challenging, and setbacks may occur along the way. That’s why our team at Jiva Health is committed to providing continuous support and guidance throughout your journey. We’ll celebrate your achievements, address any concerns, and adjust your plan as needed to ensure your success in reaching and maintaining a healthy weight.

At Jiva Health, we believe in treating the whole person, not just the number on the scale. Our weight loss service integrates elements of holistic wellness, focusing on the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of your well-being. We provide resources and tools to help you manage stress, improve sleep, and cultivate a positive mindset, fostering a healthy lifestyle that extends far beyond weight loss.


Begin Your Transformation with Jiva Health

Embarking on a weight loss journey is a significant step towards a healthier, happier life. With Jiva Health, you can trust that you’re not alone. Our experienced healthcare providers are here to guide, support, and empower you on your path to sustainable weight loss. Let us help you create a customized weight loss plan that fits your unique needs and goals.

Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and take the first step towards achieving the body and lifestyle you desire. Together, we’ll make your weight loss journey a successful and transformative experience. Welcome to Jiva Health!

Healthy weight loss is a gradual process that involves:

Foods on Plate

Balancing meals

Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods and limit processed and high-calorie foods. Eat foods that promote good gut health.

Gut Health

Gut bacteria can influence calorie extraction from food and metabolism. An imbalance in gut bacteria can cause inflammation, leading to insulin resistance and weight gain. Poor gut health can disrupt hormones such as leptin and ghrelin, which regulate hunger and fullness. Certain gut bacteria can also produce chemicals that affect appetite and food cravings. Improving gut health through a balanced diet, probiotics, and reducing stress can lead to better regulation of hormones and metabolism, leading to better weight management.

Insulin resistance

When the body becomes resistant to insulin, it produces more insulin to try to lower glucose levels in the blood. High insulin levels can promote the storage of fat, particularly in the abdominal area. Insulin resistance can also contribute to a cycle of overeating, as it can make it harder to regulate hunger and fullness signals. In addition to weight gain, insulin resistance can also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and other related health problems.
sitting disordered

Sitting Disease

As much as it is important to get regular physical exercise, it matters what you are doing the rest of the 16 hours in your day. When you sit >20 minutes at a time, lipoprotein lipase (LPL), an enzyme that helps metabolize fat goes to sleep. This can increase your risk of metabolic diseases like obesity, diabetes, and most importantly, heart disease

Hormonal Imbalances

Insulin, cortisol, thyroid hormones, PCOS, and menopause have an impact on weight gain. Testing and properly balancing these hormones is important.


Poor sleep can disrupt the balance of hormones (leptin and ghrelin) that regulate hunger and metabolism, leading to increased hunger and weight gain. It should be evaluated if you have sleep apnea as this could lead to poor sleep, daytime fatigue hormone imbalances and other serious medical conditions. Weight loss can also help reduce the severity of sleep apnea symptoms.


Chronic stress can lead to elevated levels of cortisol, which can promote fat storage and increase cravings for high-calorie foods.

Intermittent fasting

Can help for weight loss by reducing calorie intake, improving insulin sensitivity, increasing fat metabolism, and improving hormones.
eating greens

Healthy habits

Making lifestyle changes starts with creating healthy habits. How to create a habit: start small, make it a routine, track progress, stay consistent, reward yourself, be patient, re-evaluate and adjust.
weight gain

Weight Gaining medications

Some medications can cause weight gain like: Anti-depressants, gabapentin, estrogens, antipsychotics, beta blockers, insulin, and more. Work with your doctor and weight loss specialist to review the risks and benefits of your current medication list.

weight loss pills

Weight Loss medications

You can help speed up your weight loss and reduce food cravings with medications that have been shown to safely and effectively promote weight loss.

Are you ready to take control of your weight and improve your overall health?

Join Jiva Health Weight Loss and RESTORE today to experience personalized weight loss programs that prioritize your well-being.

With Jiva Health, you’ll receive in-person appointments and regular consultations with our experienced healthcare providers who will work with you to develop a customized weight loss plan that fits your unique needs and goals. Our program is designed to help you achieve sustainable weight loss and maintain a healthy weight long-term.




RESTORE offers an online, evidence-based weight management program that incorporates individualized care based on your unique physiology. Your provider and coach will review your labs, hormones, underlying medical history, and microbiome to develop a personalized weight loss plan that helps restore your metabolism and achieve your desired weight loss.


Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you by joining Jiva Health Weight Loss and RESTORE today. Start your weight loss journey and achieve your goals with our support, guidance, and motivation.


Click the link below to get started with our RESTORE online weight loss program.

Here is a handy list of diabetes medications based on weight gain or loss potential:

Avoidance of allergens is the best approach if possible.

Weight Positive Diabetes Drugs

Weight Negative Diabetic Drugs

Weight Loss might be deliberate, for example, with eating less and work out, or unintentional and be a sign of ailment. Weight reduction can come about because of a lessening in body liquid, bulk, or fat. A lessening in body liquid can originate from prescriptions, liquid misfortune, absence of liquid admission, or diseases, for example, diabetes. A reduction in muscle to fat ratio ratios could be intentially brought about by activity and eating less carbs, for example, for corpulence. Weight reduction is typical after pregnancy. The loss of weight and absence of nourishment connected with an incessant sickness is alluded to as cachexia. Unexplained, unintentional weight reduction is regularly a consequence of ailment and ought to be assessed by a social insurance proficient.

In a few regards, it is very straightforward. Your weight relies on upon the amount vitality you take in (the calories in nourishment and drink) and the amount vitality your body utilization (smolders) up:

On the off chance that the measure of calories that you consume measures up to the measure of vitality that your body uses up, then your weight stays stable.

On the off chance that you consume a greater number of calories than you consume, you put on weight. The additional (or abundance) vitality is changed over into fat and put away in your body.

On the off chance that you consume less calories than you consume, you get thinner. Your body need to take advantage of its fat stores to get the additional vitality it needs.

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