What are Sleep Disorders


Jiva Health Sleep Specialist Services

We have board certified sleep specialists on staff to diagnose and treat your sleep disorders. Sleep disorders are closely linked to other diseases we treat including allergy, diabetes, obesity and weight loss, heart disease and chronic fatigue.

What are Sleep Disorders

 Sleep disorders are conditions that do not give you restful good night’s sleep. The following are categories of sleep disorders

  1. Sleep apnea and snoring
  2. Insomnia
  3. Excessive sleepiness (Hypersomnia, Narcolepsy)
  4. Shift work and other circadian sleep disorders
  5. Abnormal behaviors during sleep (parasomnia)
  6. Sleep related movement disorders
  7. Sleep related medical conditions

What are the symptoms of sleep disorders?

How sleep disorders are diagnosed?

When you come in for your initial visit, we will take your sleep history and do a physical exam to help determine if your sleep condition is related to your physical health.

Sleep study is often needed to diagnose your sleep disorder. We provide two choices for sleep study.

Home sleep test: We provide sleep test devices from our offices allowing you to perform the test from the comfort of your own bed.

In lab Sleep study: These overnight tests take place at our affiliated sleep labs. A sleep technician will connect you to multiple wires that will monitor your breathing, heart rate, oxygen saturation and other functions while you sleep.

For your convenience we can arrange your sleep study at Contra Costa sleep center located at Walnut Creek or Brentwood. https://ccsleepcenter.com/

How sleep disorders are treated?

Depending on your diagnosis, your treatment could include:

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure therapy (CPAP)

For patients with sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) remains the gold-standard solution. You wear a mask that is attached to a machine that adjusts the pressure of the air you breathe in and out to keep your airway open.

Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)

This machine delivers a lower pressure when you breathe out. BiPAP is used for sleep apnea patients who have a hard time breathing out with CPAP and for patients with COPD or severe obesity.

Oral appliance therapy

It is a treatment for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. It involves wearing a removable oral appliance in your mouth as you sleep. The device fits much like a sports mouth guard or orthodontic retainer.

Inspire® therapy:

Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation https://www.inspiresleep.com/

is a new FDA-approved device to treat obstructive sleep apnea. It is an implanted device with a wire that stimulates the nerve to the tongue, moving it (and the muscles attached to it) forward to keep the throat open. Based on your indication, we refer you to local experts to provide this treatment.

Surgery for sleep apnea

Our sleep specialists will fully evaluate your condition to see if referral for surgical method is indicated.

Light therapy and melatonin

Patients with shift work sleep disorder often benefit from light therapy or melatonin. Both of those treatments can help your body adjust to new sleeping schedules.

Sleep medications:

Our doctors can prescribe medications for sleep disorders such as insomnia, restless legs syndrome and REM sleep behavior disorder.

Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I)

We can provide non-drug approach to insomnia using CBT-I. The process involves a series of counseling sessions during which patients learn a variety of techniques for improving their sleep.



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