REM Sleep Diagnostics

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2601 Nut Tree Rd Suite C, Vacaville, CA 95687

In partnership with REM Sleep Diagnostics Inc., the premier sleep diagnostic center has served the Solano, Napa, & Yolo County region for more than 16 years. ​ ​

Located in Vacaville, we provide:​

  • Full-service consultation.​
  • Diagnostic services (polysomnogram and HSAT).​
  • Follow-up care.​
  • Treatment.​
  • Long-term compliance for patients four years and older. ​ ​ ​

We adhere to the clinical standards of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and provide the highest level of service and care to our patients to help them achieve better rest and better health. ​ ​

For Patients

Sleep Tests and Studies

For Providers

A true team approach delivers effective and lasting solutions for sleep disorders.

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Let REM Sleep Diagnostics prove it to you

When you have a sleep disorders, everything suffers, including your rest, work, health, and relationships. Unfortunately, far too many people resign themselves to this suffering…assuming that there are no real solutions available, or txhat the solutions out there are too difficult to obtain.

The good news is

At REM Sleep Diagnostics, Our team follows strict and proven guidelines established by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. This assures every patient of having the most thorough, safe, and accurate sleep evaluation possible. As a result, you’ll obtain a custom-tailored solution to effectively manage your sleep disorder, so you can enjoy a lifetime of better rest and better health.

woman with sleeping problem

The effects of sleep disorders

  • Sleep problems and disorders affect 70 million Americans, and 40 million on a chronic basis.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea affects 18 million Americans and is linked to serious health problems such as diabetes, stroke and heart attack.
  • Drowsiness and fatigue are a direct cause of 100,000 car crashes, 1,550 deaths and 71,000 injuries each year.

Helping you overcome the potentially devastating effects of sleep disorders

Adequate, high quality sleep is critical to your physical, emotional and psychological well-being. Yet according to the National Sleep Foundation, 70 million Americans suffer from sleep problems or disorders, with 40 million suffering on a chronic basis. Unfortunately, the vast majority go undiagnosed and untreated, with serious and wide-ranging effects.

Loud, chronic snoring can cause sleep deprivation for bed partners and create tension in the home. Sleep apnea can lead to serious health problems such as stroke and heart attack.
Sleep disorders can also impair your performance on the job and put you at risk for auto accidents.

At REM Sleep Diagnostics, We are committed to helping you overcome these challenges. We are not an impersonal institutional program or a sleep medicine chain. Our board-certified Medical Director leads a team of highly experienced sleep technicians. Together, they perform comprehensive sleep studies in our two ultra-comfortable hotel-like sleep centers. So whether you suffer from a disruptive or potentially life-threatening condition, you’ll find the right solution to optimize your rest and health here.


Common misconceptions about sleep studies

  • “I won’t have any privacy and the bed will be uncomfortable.”
  • “I’ll have electrodes and wires attached to my body, so I won’t be able to move or sleep.”
  • “I’ll feel like I’m being watched, and I’ll be too nervous to sleep.”

The truth about sleep studies at REM Sleep Diagnostics

  • You’ll enjoy a private room with all the amenities of a high-end hotel, including a private bathroom, cherry wood furnishings, and a comfortable bed with a down comforter.
  • In order to gather essential information with which to analyze your sleep patterns and body systems, you will have several electrodes attached to your body. Our sleep centers utilize state-of-the art equipment to make your sleep test as comfortable and unobtrusive as possible.
  • Our ultra-friendly, ultra-professional staff will put you at ease and ensure your privacy and comfort during your stay. Virtually every patient leaves saying that their sleep study was surprisingly simple and comfortable.

Sleep Rooms

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The total annual cost of workplace injuries is estimated at $48.6 billion.

Highly fatigued workers are 70% more likely to be involved in accidents.

Simplifying the process. Streamlining your costs.

With the dangers and kyrocketing costs of on-the-job accidents, it’s no surprise that companies of all sizes are straining under the financial weight of Workers’ Comp claims and high insurance premiums – not to mention the looming threat of lawsuits.

That’s why the REM Sleep Diagnostics Safe and Sound program makes so much sense. By partnering with us, your company will see significant savings on direct costs as well as productivity.

Your current medical benefits will likely cover the costs of sleep disorder testing and treatment, and REM Sleep Diagnostics will work with your insurance carrier to  streamline the process.Take the first step toward greater employee safety and productivity.

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